Akar Manis Penambah Hormon Kortisol

Setelah googling, sy ketemu tanaman yang, menurut keterangannya dan sesuai pemahaman sy, bisa menambah hormon kortisol, namanya *akar legi*.

Akar Manis atau kayu legi (Nama Latin :Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang tergolong dalam suku pong-polongan. Tanaman ini diduga berasal dari Eropa selatan dan penyebarannya cukup luas hingga juga bisa ditemukan di Indonesia.

Akar manis merupakan pohon terna yang sering dimanfaatkan sebagai rempah untuk pembuatan sirup yang berkhasiat obat untuk mengobati beberapa jenis penyakit ringan ataupun berat.

Ekstrak akar manis ini mempunyai rasa begitu manis dan aroma khas didalamnya menjadikan kita mungkin sangat senang jika mengkonsumsinya.

Ciri dan deskripsi tanaman bisa dikenali dengan ketinggian pohon mencapai hingga 1m, daun menyerupai sayap dengan panjang 7 hingga 15cm. Terdapat 9 sampai 17 helai daun dalam satu cabang, bunga tersusun inflorescens, dan buahnya berbentuk polong.

Kandungan kimia: Glisirhisin, saponin, glikosida likuiritin, asparagin, umbeliferona, glabrolida, glukosa, sukrosa, asam likuiritat, asam hidroksiglisirhitat, zat pahit, minyak atsiri, dan asparagin.

How Licorice Root Works

Licorice contains a powerful compound called glycyrrhizic acid. It's this acid that stops the body from breaking down cortisol. Cortisol is the 'stress hormone' made by the adrenal glands and released when the body is under mental and physical pressure. Low levels of cortisol are associated with adrenal fatigue syndrome, and can lead to feelings of tiredness, mood swings and poor immune function.

Licorice root may be particularly beneficial for those suffering from adrenal fatigue, as it's been shown to prevent the body from "using up" its stores of cortisol. It does this by reducing conversion of cortisol to inactive cortisone in the kidneys, which has the effect of increasing the availability of cortisol in the body. Glycyrrhizic acid is therefore said to boost adrenal gland function, which in turn enhances stress resistance.

This study found that licorice root can modify the production of cortisol in the body by inhibiting the enzymes that break cortisol down into cortisone, thus rendering it inactive. When a group of men and women were given a supplement of licorice extract for one week, each of the participants showed increased DHEA levels. Their cortisol levels also increased, suggesting that licorice extract works very quickly and effectively.

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